Hey friends! We have an exciting penny list for Dollar General March 5, 2019. Remember not to ask Dollar General employees for Penny Items.
It is possible that these items will penny in some areas and not others. It’s also possible they could not penny at all. These things are not likely, but possible.

The following items are on the Dollar General employee penny list for 3/5/19.
-Back To School Home
-Back To School Stationary
-Valentine & Christmas Carryover Candy
-Valentine Seasonal
-Valentine Domestics
-Valentine Stationery
-Valentine Socks
You can get Text Alerts for Penny Items by texting @Pennyli to 81010. Be sure to add the @ sign.
The penny list is leaked to me by Dollar General employees. I post the list each week on YouTube and here on my websit. Penny Lists are usually posted the Friday or Saturday before they penny on Tuesday. You can continue to look for these items after Tuesday but go as soon as they open the doors for the best chance of scoring.
found 8 licensed lunch boxes at one store hiding on top shelf in package still.grabbed a ton of backpacks but all came up full price.Even the f17.super glad I didn't get skunked though,these will come in handy this fall.Thanks for all you do,couldnt do it without ya.