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How To Penny Shop At Dollar General
Discontinued, seasonal items can be purchased at dollar general for just a penny!
The #1 rule in Penny shopping is that it's a secret. You cannot go into dollar general and ask employees for help finding penny items. If you would like to learn how to penny shop watch the video below.
also, pictured to the right is the dollar general penny policy. screen shot this so if you have any trouble you can show that you are aware the dollar general employees must sell items for a penny if they are on the sales floor.

Beginners Guide To Penny Shopping At Dollar General
This video will tell you everything you need to know to get started penny shopping at dollar general.
Remember penny items are not suppose to be found and it will take some practice before you get good at it. Some stores are better than others a lot depends on the employees and if their are other penny shoppers in your area.
If we have any new penny items they almost always penny on Tuesday. If you cannot get to the store on Tuesday you can still have success finding penny items sometimes months after they penny.
Penny Haul Dollar General & What To Do When Things Go BAD
Dollar General Penny Finder App Tutorial
I am not affiliated with Dollar General Penny Finder in any way nor do I make any money from you downloading this app. I just think it is a great tool for finding dollar general penny items.
This app is a 1 time purchase of $1.99. Even if you delete the app and redownload it as long as you are using the same gmail account you will not have to pay again.
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