Dollar General Penny List & Clearance Updates for week 6/16/19 thru 6/22/19
●● Do not ask Dollar General Employees about penny items & do not hide penny items
Sunday 6/16/19 to 6/22/19
▪Yellow & White Dot clothing, shoes & accessories buy 1 get 1 free
Christa Coupons @
▪ Green Square Must Have Shoes buy 1 get 1 free
Monday Penny List 6/17/19
▪Fathers Day Balloons
Christa Coupons @
-Anagram Fathers Day Foil Balloons 26635325264
Tuesday 6/18/19
▪Memorial Day Flowers 50% Off Christa Coupons @
▪Purple Dot Home 50-70% off - store specific
Penny List Starting Tuesday 6/18 Page 1 ▪Graduation Balloons (store specific, ymmv) Page 2
▪Comfort Creek chicken and dumplings 15 oz $1 grocery 19722824948
Christa Coupons @
▪Margaret homes peas with snaps 15 oz grocery 41443023232
▪Margaret Holmes Tom's/ okra/ corn 14.5 oz $1 grocery 41443110437
Christa Coupons @ ▪Duncan Hines brownie chocolate $1 grocery 644209425228
▪Saluu Aloe drink 16.9 oz $1 grocery 855735005451
Christa Coupons @ ▪Saluu Aloe drink mango 16.9 oz $1 grocery 855735005475
▪Nestea raspberry $1 grocery 88130314389 ▪Nestea Tea Sweet $1 grocery 88130314679 Christa Coupons @ ▪ Heinz mustard yellow 14 oz 130000002127 ▪Oscar Meyer bacon bits 2.25 oz 44700075692
▪True living F372 frame crew clear acrylic 2 × 3 1 count 400030340228
Page 3 Cinnabon Gooey Bites Bowl 5.5 oz.
Christa Coupons @ 858312002959
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●Last weeks penny list for dollar General
●Dot color penny items you can look for now at Dollar General
●Penny shopping 101 video
●In Store Tips for Penny Shopping at Dollar General

Confused on the looks as though it's the single least that is what matches the UPC. Any way to verify before 8am?
Thank you Christa! You are awesome!
Thank you so much for all you do.