Dots To Look For
Purple Dot Home - 2017
Brown Dot Home - Year F17
Blue Dot - 2017
Red Triangle - 2017
Grey Dot -2017
Blue Dot - 2017
Red Triangle - 2017
Blue Star - 2015
$14 Rugs That Pennied
Brown 591-3020
Charcoal 591-3022
Lt. Blue 591-3023
Red 591-3021
Go To My Google Doc To Print HERE.

Found you by accident,but I love e your channel. Thank u for taking up so much time on other people's behalf. Hope to catch a live show soon. Getting ready to go penny shopping. Yea
I have recently retired and this penny list gives me hope to live more comfortably than I would have been able. Work all your life and SS doesn't pay enough to live on. Typical give to the government and they figure out a way to take it away.
Just curious... We had the BBoutique that pennied this year... (ymmv) Is that one still active?
Thanks for all you do for us, still learning and I will get better because you are a great teacher and leader and I have confidence cause I know that I can go in the stores knowing what to look for.
TYSM Christa!! <3