You do not need any paper coupons to do this deal.
Kroger is having a buy 4 save $4 sale. This Secret spray deodorant is included for $2.99.
We also have a $2 Ibotta rebate and a Kroger digital coupon.
Buy 4 Secret Spray Deo 3.8 oz. $2.99 each
Use your kroger card to save $4
Pay $7.96 + tax
Redeem $2 from Ibotta 4 times ($8)
Final cost FREE!
As of right now there are 2 digital coupons available that say they will work on this Secret deodorant. Depending on which coupon you use, this could be a MONEY MAKER!
If you do not have Ibotta get it here.
MidNight.Saver informed us of the digital coupon. You can follow her here.
